
Payment Options

Payment Options

We accept bank check, cash, life insurance and credit card payments. There are other payment options if the deceased meets the criteria.

Victims of Crime Compensation

If a person died as a victim of crime in the state of New Jersey, their family can apply for crime victim compensation. If the decedent is approved the agency can pay up to $7,500 towards the funeral bill.

Medicaid Burial Benefits 

The State of New Jersey Division of Public Welfare in the Department of Human Services offers burial benefits to recipients that meet their criteria. (After the person dies the funeral director will contact the county Medicaid office where the deceased lived, providing them the name, social security number and date of death. Below is the allowance chart.

Age of Decedent

Funeral Home Reimbursement

Cemetery Reimbursement

Combined Funeral Home and Cemetery

Maximum Family Contributions

Maximum Cost

New Paragraph

2 years of older






1 week to 2 years






Stillborn to 6 days






Age of Decedent

Funeral Home Reimbursement

Cemetery Reimbursement

Combined Funeral Home and Cemetery

Maximum Family Contributions

Maximum Cost

2 years or older






Age of Decedent

Funeral Home Reimbursement

Cemetery Reimbursement

Combined Funeral Home and Cemetery

Maximum Family Contributions

Maximum Cost

1 week to 2 years






Age of Decedent

Funeral Home Reimbursement

Cemetery Reimbursement

Combined Funeral Home and Cemetery

Maximum Family Contributions

Maximum Cost

Stillborn to 6 days






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